
Despite Progressive Rift, 65% of Jewish Voters Back Harris Over Trump

Jewish Americans have traditionally been a steadfast Democratic voting bloc despite a growing avalanche of evidence that the progressive wing of the party has increasingly picked a side in the Israel-Palestine conflict to the detriment of their so-called allies. A recent Pew Research poll reveals that 65% of Jewish respondents still plan to back Vice President Kamala Harris. In comparison, 34% are willing to roll the dice with former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election. This poll surveyed nearly 10,000 registered voters but suggested that Jewish voters might be holding onto nostalgia rather than facing reality.

The unwavering support for Harris is baffling, especially in light of her seemingly contradictory stance on Israel during the recent tumultuous events that followed the horrific Hamas attack on October 7. While she proclaimed support for Israel, her calls for cease-fires and two-state solutions resonate more with the progressive wing, which has shown increasingly hostile attitudes towards Israel. It’s almost like she’s trying to play both sides—too little for the one side and too much for the other, leaving everyone scratching their heads.

Furthermore, the Republican Jewish Coalition has made clear that Harris and President Biden have managed to reduce U.S.-Israel relations to a new low. Their concerns grow as they see proposals for solutions that would essentially reward terrorism rather than support Israel’s right to defend itself. It’s a classic case of political self-sabotage on the part of those who blindly cling to the Democratic party even in the face of rising antisemitism from the left.

Surprisingly, the general consensus is that there is a significant decline in Jewish support for Democrats compared to the 2020 election, where Biden captured 77% of the Jewish vote. Nowadays, the narrative suggests that the grip Democrats have on Jewish voters is psychological rather than rational, according to Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson. It appears that many American Jews are willing to ignore hard facts out of a need to remain in good standing with liberal ideologies. Meanwhile, the idea that Trump could gain ground by highlighting the stakes at play has been dismissed by some, who are more focused on how his messaging might turn off undecided voters.

To add fuel to the fire, the Jewish Democratic Council insists that Jewish voters reject Trump’s so-called antics. They argue Harris is aligned with the majority of Jewish Americans when it comes to defending democracy and combating antisemitism. However, what they fail to mention is that defending democracy is an ambiguous term that can mean many things, especially to an electorate that seems to have shifted its focus towards progressive ideals—ideals that may not align with the realities faced by Israel today.

Interestingly, both Trump and Harris have family connections to Judaism that add a facet of irony to the entire situation. Harris boasts that her Jewish husband, Trump’s daughter Ivanka, converted before marrying Jared Kushner. Yet, with all these personal ties, it’s clear that the political platforms showcase a stark contrast in how each candidate aims to address the pressing issues of our time, particularly regarding the complex narrative surrounding Israel. The recent Pew poll results raise the important question: Can the Democratic party’s base continue to overlook the inconsistencies, or is there a realignment of loyalties in the cards?

Written by Staff Reports

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