
DHS Head Mayorkas in GOP Crosshairs: Impeachment Looms for Border Blunders, Free Speech Threats

In a bold move, House Republicans are setting their sights on Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for possible impeachment. The Republican Study Committee (RSC), the leading conservative caucus in the House, has released a memo outlining their grievances against Mayorkas and making the case for his removal from office.

The memo pulls no punches in its assessment of Mayorkas’s performance, accusing him of “willful destruction to the United States” and “perjury before Congress.” The RSC highlights Mayorkas’s mishandling of the crisis at the southern border, which has resulted in record levels of illegal immigration and fentanyl trafficking. These failures have had devastating consequences, including increased cartel profits and the deaths of innocent Americans.

But it’s not just the border crisis that has caught the RSC’s attention. The memo also raises concerns about Mayorkas’s disregard for Americans’ First Amendment rights. His plans for a disinformation governance board, which would have curtailed free speech, are particularly troubling. The RSC argues that the attempted creation of such an Orwellian government entity may itself be grounds for impeachment.

The RSC memo makes a convincing case for Mayorkas’s removal from office, citing numerous examples of his misconduct and neglect of duty. It calls on the House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the DHS secretary, stating that his actions meet the constitutional standard of “high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

This move by House Republicans is just the latest in a series of efforts to hold Mayorkas accountable. Previous attempts at impeachment were made during the 118th Congress when Republicans did not control the chamber. Now, with Republicans in the majority, there is renewed hope that these efforts will gain traction.

While some Republicans, like Rep. Mark Green, chair of the Committee on Homeland Security, have stopped short of calling for impeachment, they have expressed their concerns and are waiting for the conclusion of ongoing investigations. Mayorkas’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday will serve as another opportunity for oversight and scrutiny.

In the face of such damaging evidence and widespread calls for accountability, it is high time that Alejandro Mayorkas be held responsible for his actions. The American people deserve a leader who upholds the rule of law and protects our nation’s borders, not one who undermines congressional authority and flouts the Constitution. Impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas are necessary to restore integrity and ensure that those entrusted with our national security are held to the highest standards.

Written by Staff Reports

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