
Disclosed: Biden’s Desk Was Hunting Ground for Hunter’s Firm!

The New York Post has reported that Hunter Biden’s business firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, exchanged over 1,000 emails with then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office. However, the public has only been able to access a portion of those emails, as the White House has asserted executive privilege and refused to release the remaining 200 emails. This news comes after America First Legal released 861 emails mentioning Rosemont Seneca that are now accessible to the public through the National Archives and Records Administration.

According to NARA, the 200 hidden emails contain “confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors.” This revelation highlights the extensive and frequent communication network between Hunter Biden, his business associates, and Joe Biden and his Office of the Vice President during the Obama White House. America First Legal describes this network as “telling in itself” due to the volume of emails exchanged.

Contrary to Joe Biden’s previous statements about maintaining a separation between his personal and private life, the White House invoked executive privilege to withhold the 200 emails in their entirety. America First Legal argues that the evidence proves Hunter Biden’s involvement in high-profile White House events, despite not having an official role in the Obama-Biden Administration. They also claim that Hunter and his associates frequently used the Biden name to gain access to the White House.

In light of these findings, conservative commentator Collin Rugg sarcastically implies that the emails must have discussed trivial matters like the weather and grandkids. He also predicts that the White House will continue to defend themselves against any potential backlash. It is clear from these revelations that there was close communication and collaboration between Hunter Biden and his father during their time in the White House.

Written by Staff Reports

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