
Disney’s Woke Flops Cost Billions: Audiences Rejecting PC Agenda

In a stunning turn of events, it seems that even Disney, the beloved entertainment giant, is feeling the consequences of going woke. Just like Bud Light and Target before them, Disney is now facing some big trouble.

It all started when Disney decided to embrace the woke mind virus and inject it into their films. The results were disastrous. Flops like “Lightyear,” “The Little Mermaid,” and “Elemental” cost Disney almost a billion dollars. Megyn Kelly, a well-known conservative voice, even pointed out how “Elemental” with its non-binary character had one of the worst openings in Disney’s history. It’s clear that audiences are rejecting the woke agenda being pushed by the once beloved company.

But the woke disaster doesn’t stop with the movies. Disney is experiencing belt-tightening across the board, resulting in high-profile layoffs, cancellations of television shows, and the selling off of assets. Even Disney’s theme parks and resorts, once a reliable source of revenue, are feeling the impact. Attendance has noticeably dropped, and even peak periods like Christmas are being met with hotel discounts. What once attracted families is now becoming too expensive, with ticket prices reaching astronomical heights that the average middle-class family simply can’t afford.

It seems that Disney’s leadership made the mistake of catering to the fabulously wealthy clientele, assuming they would always be willing to pay the exorbitant prices. But as the saying goes, there are only so many parents willing to spend thousands of dollars to hang around with Star Wars characters for a couple of days. It’s clear that this strategy is backfiring spectacularly.

The woke moves made by Disney are not only alienating a significant part of their audience but also diluting their brand as a family-friendly entertainment company. People no longer see Disney as the wholesome, family-oriented place it once was. And when customers feel ignored and undervalued, they vote with their feet, walking away from the brand.

Disney’s downfall serves as a cautionary tale for other companies that think going woke is the path to success. It’s time for businesses to realize that embracing the woke agenda doesn’t pay off in the long run. Instead, they should focus on delivering quality content and respecting their customers’ values. It’s clear that the American public is rejecting this woke ideology, and companies would be wise to take notice.

Written by Staff Reports

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