
DOJ Charges Hamas Leaders, Skepticism Over Biden’s Follow-Through Persists

The Department of Justice has finally decided to target the masterminds behind the shocking October 7 attack on Israel, and the world is collectively holding its breath to see if anything meaningful will actually come from it. Charges have been leveled against Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and several of his militant pals, making it clear that the Biden administration is at least attempting to write down the names of the bad actors while the situation is still fresh in everyone’s minds.

Merrick Garland, the Attorney General who some might argue has been more effective at avoiding accountability than holding it, took to video to boast about these charges, pledging that they are merely “one part” of the grand strategy to dismantle Hamas. It’s a common theme in the world of government: announce a plan, flash a grin, and then hope the press forgets to follow up as the situation continues to unravel. One has to wonder if Garland is preparing for a second career in stand-up comedy with all this performance flair.

In the lineup of those named, the list includes some household names in the world of terror, such as Marwan Issa, the deputy leader of Hamas’s armed wing, and the ever-dodgy Khaled Mashaal. However, the sheer irony that murderers like Issa and Mohammed al Masri, who both reportedly met their maker this past year, are still on the list speaks volumes about the ongoing farce that is justice in the face of such heinous acts. Too bad they can’t appoint a tickle-finger to the Hamas boardroom; it appears the administration is as effective at apprehending terrorists as it is at filling gas tanks.

The October 7 attack was nothing short of barbaric, with over 1,200 Israeli lives brutally extinguished and 250 others kidnapped. This wasn’t a mere angry protest gone wrong—it was pure terrorism. Yet, if past is prologue, one can’t help but suspect that these charges are less about genuine justice and more about creating a shiny distraction from the myriad of domestic issues this administration faces. After all, how better to keep the American public occupied than with a tiny glimmer of enforcement against an organization that seems to be thriving under the radar?

As the dust settles, conservative voices are waiting to see whether this is a real attempt at systemic change or just another irrelevant talking point. One thing is for sure: unless the Biden administration gets more serious about its intentions and results, this might just be a case of saying, “Let’s do something” without actually lifting a finger. With a world full of bad actors, the real challenge remains: will the DOJ follow through, or will this just be another empty promise in a long line of ineffective political theater?

Written by Staff Reports

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