
DOJ Ducks Impeachment Heat, GOP Aims for Biden Truth Reveal

The Democrat-led Department of Justice is once again obstructing the efforts of House Republicans to get to the bottom of President Joe Biden’s sketchy conduct. The DOJ flat out declined to allow two Tax Division officials to testify in the impeachment inquiry into Biden, leaving the Republicans puzzled and irate. These officials were called to testify regarding allegations that Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, received special treatment to avoid facing tax crimes.

House Republicans, led by House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan of Ohio, demanded the testimony of senior litigation counsel Mark Daly and trial attorney Jack Morgan, but the DOJ refused to comply. The Republicans are not taking this lying down and are planning to push for a formal vote to move forward with their impeachment inquiry. In a bold move, they have even authorized Congress to take legal action against the two elusive witnesses.

The DOJ has been playing games and trying to divert attention by offering up other senior-level officials for testimony, but the Republicans aren’t backing down. They believe that Daly and Morgan, who were involved in the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter Biden, are crucial to the inquiry, and they are not going to let the DOJ off the hook easily. The Department’s excuses for withholding these key witnesses have been labeled as “wholly inadequate” by the Republicans, who argue that the DOJ has cooperated with Congress in the past in similar situations.

The Tax Division, where Daly and Morgan work, has been at the center of the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter Biden. It’s a no-brainer that these individuals hold vital information that could potentially uncover the truth about the Biden family’s shady dealings, and the Republicans are not about to let the DOJ get away with protecting them.

It’s clear that the DOJ is desperate to stonewall the Republicans’ efforts, but the GOP isn’t backing down. They are determined to crack the case wide open and hold the Bidens accountable for their misdeeds. The DOJ may think they can outwit the Republicans, but they’ve got another thing coming. It’s a showdown between the forces of justice and the swamp, and the Republicans aren’t about to let the swamp win. It’s high noon in Washington, and the Republicans are ready to draw their weapons and take down the corruptocrats once and for all!

Written by Staff Reports

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