
DOJ, FBI Hauled Into Spotlight: Hush-Hush Big Tech Talks Exposed!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, a stalwart conservative Republican from Ohio, has taken action and issued subpoenas to both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). And he’s got good reason to do so.

There is well-documented evidence that these government agencies have been colluding with Big Tech companies to trample on our First Amendment rights and censor content leading up to the 2020 election. Can you believe it? Our own government working hand in hand with Silicon Valley to silence conservative voices!

According to internal documents that have been obtained, it is clear that Facebook and Instagram were actively censoring posts and altering their content moderation policies due to pressure from the Biden White House. That’s right, the administration was pulling the strings and dictating what you could and couldn’t see on social media.

But that’s not all. It gets even worse. The FBI, yes, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had a special agent who blatantly lied in testimony about their involvement in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story. These are the people we are supposed to trust to uphold the law and protect our rights, but instead, they are playing politics and covering up the truth.

In response to these shocking revelations, Chairman Jordan has sent letters to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, demanding that they hand over all internal records and communications related to the censorship of content on digital platforms. And he’s given them a deadline of September 15th to comply.

This is a critical inquiry into the extent to which the Executive Branch has interfered with our freedom of expression and conspired with private companies to silence us. It’s time for the truth to come out and for those responsible to be held accountable.

Chairman Jordan also reminded the DOJ and FBI of previous letters sent in April, in which he requested records related to censorship practices. It seems that these agencies have been dragging their feet and withholding information.

And let me tell you, folks, this is not just about politics, it’s about our fundamental rights as Americans. A federal judge has already ruled in a separate case that the Biden administration’s communications with social media platforms likely violated our First Amendment rights. So this is a serious matter that cannot be ignored.

It’s time for the swamp to be drained and for transparency to prevail. The American people deserve to know the truth about how their government is working behind closed doors to stifle our voices and control the narrative. Chairman Jordan is doing his part to bring this information to light, and we must support him in his efforts.

Let’s hope that the DOJ and FBI finally come clean and provide the requested documents. But, let’s be honest, given their track record so far, I won’t hold my breath. It’s up to us, the American people, to demand transparency and hold our government accountable. Freedom of speech is too important to be trampled upon by these government agencies and Big Tech giants.

Written by Staff Reports

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