
DOJ Official Censors Tweets, Protects Biden: Cover-up Exposed!

In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that a high-ranking official in the Department of Justice, Vanita Gupta, attempted to censor tweets exposing election irregularities in Georgia. Gupta, who now serves as the associate U.S. attorney general under President Biden, urged Vijaya Gadde, the former head of trust and safety at Twitter, to remove tweets containing evidence of voter fraud. The email exchange between Gupta and Gadde took place just days before Gupta was nominated for her current position by President Biden. Coincidence? We think not.

Gupta’s email to Gadde clearly shows her intentions to suppress any information regarding election irregularities. She goes as far as suggesting that Gadde should collaborate with Fair Fight, an organization founded by Stacey Abrams, well-known for pushing the false narrative of voter suppression in Georgia. It seems Gupta wanted to ensure that any tweets exposing the truth about voter fraud would be quickly tagged as disinformation and swiftly removed. How convenient for the Biden administration.

One of the tweets specifically targeted by Gupta was a report by James O’Keefe investigating potential voter fraud in Georgia. The report included an undercover conversation with Adam Seely, the Managing Director of a food pantry where thousands of people were reportedly registered to vote. Seely himself admitted that many of these registered voters did not actually live at the address listed. Yet according to Gupta, this kind of evidence should be eliminated and suppressed. Is she afraid of the truth coming out?

Gupta’s actions didn’t stop at just emailing Gadde. She was successful in enlisting the help of Twitter executives, such as Reggie McCrimmon, who asked Fair Fight to provide specific examples of the tweets they wanted taken down. It’s alarming to see how Twitter, a supposedly unbiased social media platform, was all too eager to comply with Gupta’s censoring requests. It’s clear that their agenda aligns with that of the Biden administration and their efforts to cover up any evidence of election irregularities.

The most concerning part of this story is what happened next. A few months after the email exchange, James O’Keefe’s Twitter account was permanently suspended. It’s no coincidence that this happened after Gupta had cemented herself as the number three in the Biden Department of Justice. It’s a blatant display of power and silencing dissenting voices. This kind of censorship should not be tolerated in a free and democratic society.

This revelation only further highlights the left’s ongoing efforts to control the narrative and suppress any information that doesn’t fit their agenda. It’s a dangerous precedent that threatens our freedom of speech and the integrity of our elections. We must remain vigilant and hold individuals like Gupta accountable for their actions. The American people deserve transparency and the truth, not a manipulated version of events to fit a political narrative. It’s time to stand up against this kind of corruption and fight for the integrity of our democracy.

Written by Staff Reports

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