
DOJ Stalls on Hunter Biden Charges: What They’re Not Telling You!

Whistleblower Gary Shapley stunned observers when he disclosed that the Department of Justice possessed sufficient evidence to pursue charges against Hunter Biden but opted to postpone any legal action until after the 2022 midterm elections. According to Shapley's records, the DOJ's rationale was a fear of detrimental consequences, wanting to avoid any actions that might adversely affect the electoral landscape. This decision faced opposition from Shapley and his colleague Joseph Zeigler, who vehemently protested the delay but were eventually removed from the case.

Now, let's delve into the meaning of "shoot themselves in the foot." While the article doesn't explicitly define it, the implication is rather evident to those with a modicum of common sense. The Justice Department appeared unwilling to take any actions that could potentially harm their political allies, the Democrats. It's no secret that the DOJ has been accused of harboring political bias, exemplified by the favorable agreement they were prepared to offer Hunter Biden before Shapley and Zeigler's testimony disrupted their plans. No one aspires to become the next James Comey, making a decision that might ostensibly benefit the Republicans but is, in fact, just fulfilling their professional duty. In their efforts to avoid appearing politically motivated during the 2022 elections, the DOJ inadvertently tarnished its own reputation.

Furthermore, the contentious appointment of David Weiss as special counsel adds another layer to the saga. Weiss played a role in the failed plea deal for Hunter Biden and conveniently allowed some of the most severe tax charges against him to expire due to statute of limitations. With Weiss in authority, House Republicans find themselves unable to request his testimony to obtain answers regarding this dubious case. To the public, it increasingly resembles a convoluted political quagmire, and the responsibility for this perception rests squarely on the shoulders of DOJ officials. They ought to have focused on performing their professional duties rather than engaging in political maneuvering. But, perhaps, they succeeded in not "shooting themselves in the foot." Yet, for observers who have long suspected their true motives, this remains a hard sell.

Written by Staff Reports

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