
DOJ Targets Cori Bush: Hypocrisy Exposed Over Security $$?

The Justice Department has set its sights on Democratic Rep. Cori Bush and her questionable spending habits. It’s about time they started holding Democrats accountable instead of just targeting conservatives and Republicans. Former deputy independent counsel Sol Wisenberg pointed out the significance of this investigation, considering the usual political bias of the Justice Department.

Bush, who has been a vocal proponent of defunding the police, seems to have taken a different approach when it comes to her own security. She has spent over $30,000 on her own protection, and that’s not even the worst of it. Her husband, Cortney Merritts, has received over $60,000 in payments from her campaign for so-called “security services.” It’s hard to believe that these expenses were necessary or at fair market value.

Wisenberg rightly raises three important questions about Bush’s spending. Were these expenses truly necessary? Were they priced at a fair rate? And perhaps most importantly, how were they reported? We need answers to these questions to determine whether or not Bush has engaged in any wrongdoing.

It’s not just Bush who should be concerned. Merritts, in particular, needs to watch his step. Anything he says in the press could be used against him in this criminal investigation. Intent matters, and his words could be instrumental in proving whether or not there was foul play involved.

It’s refreshing to see the Justice Department finally taking action against a Democrat. For far too long, they have shown a clear bias against conservatives and Republicans. It’s about time they start doing their job and holding all politicians accountable, regardless of their party affiliation. Let’s hope this investigation uncovers the truth and ensures that our taxpayer dollars are being used responsibly.

Written by Staff Reports

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