
DOJ Targets Mayor Adams While Bidens Avoid Scrutiny Despite Major Evidence

Cindy Adams of the New York Post has struck again, this time shining her journalistic spotlight on the hypocrisy of the Department of Justice and their treatment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams compared to the Bidens. As the Mayor faced indictment for taking payouts from foreign governments, many are left scratching their heads at how President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, are still roaming free despite a mountain of evidence suggesting they’ve played the same game on a much grander scale.

Adams’ actions seem almost quaint in comparison. While he was allegedly exchanging favors for cash with foreign entities—reportedly pressuring the FDNY to overlook a fire inspection just to cater to a visiting Turkish president—Joe and Hunter Biden are allegedly raking in tens of millions from foreign powers. Adams had his hand in the cookie jar, but the Bidens have seemed to take the cookie jar itself. One can’t help but raise an eyebrow at the disparity in the scrutiny each has faced. It looks like in Biden’s America, you can be knee-deep in corruption as long as you’re playing for the right team.

Adams has been snagged for bribery and campaign finance violations, which is a serious business. The DOJ’s admonishments would echo through every conservative household if the situation weren’t so tinged with irony. The Assistant Director of the FBI claims this indictment sends a powerful message to other elected officials about public trust. It’s ironic, considering public trust seems to be in lower regard than ever while the man at the top, President Biden, breezes along free from consequences.

As Adams finds himself in hot water pouring through the DOJ’s gauntlet, Cindy Adams believes that he should receive the same treatment as the Bidens. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see some consistency in how the law applies to those in power? After all, if taking campaign cash from foreign governments is enough to earn Eric Adams a trip to the courtroom, isn’t it past time the Bidens find their day in court as well? More notably, shouldn’t the one with the most damning evidence against him, Hunter Biden, be the focus of such attention? Yet he remains untouched.

In what can only be described as a double standard, Joe Biden has repeatedly insisted that he had nothing to do with Hunter’s various business dealings, even as evidence mounts that he was actually involved in meetings with many of these foreign entities. The timing is troubling and could easily lead to the belief that some politicians are more equal than others in the eyes of the law. Instead of facing the music, the president and his son continue to operate under a cloud of immunity that most average Americans can only dream of.

Written by Staff Reports

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