
DOJ Targets Trump: 2024 Race Sabotage or Fair Trial?

In Monday’s news, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is standing up to former President Donald Trump’s attempt to delay his indictment trial related to the events of January 6. The prosecutors are pushing for a speedy trial, citing the public’s right to justice. But let’s not forget, folks, that this whole indictment debacle is just another example of the DOJ being weaponized and politicized to target Biden’s potential rival in the 2024 election.

NBC News conveniently fails to mention the proposed trial timeline in their report. Prosecutors have suggested starting jury selection in December and beginning the trial in January. But wait, there’s more! The proposed trial date is January 2, 2024, right smack in the middle of the Iowa Caucus. How convenient for the Democrats to have Trump tied up in court while other candidates dominate the critical early primary state!

And who’s going to set the trial date? None other than Judge Tanya Chutkan, known for her harsh treatment of January 6 defendants and her close ties to Democratic causes. Can we really expect a fair trial when the judge is so clearly biased?

But the timing doesn’t stop there, folks. Each indictment trial appears suspiciously aligned with important Republican primary dates. The first trial in D.C. could potentially affect the Super Tuesday primaries on May 4. The second trial, regarding the 2020 election results, is scheduled for March 25, right after six states hold their Republican primaries. And let’s not forget the trial in Florida, set for May 20, sandwiched between two Republican primary states. It’s almost as if they want Trump’s legal challenges to sabotage the entire primary season for the GOP!

In addition to the trial dates, there’s also news about the bond order related to the fourth indictment. Trump’s total bond is set at $200,000, which is already excessive for someone who poses no flight risk. But here’s the kicker, folks: He’s also required to be careful on social media. Now, we all know Trump loves his Twitter fingers, so this condition is clearly an attempt to censor his voice and limit his influence. It’s just another way the left is trying to silence conservative voices in this country!

In a move that surprises no one, Trump has announced on TruthSocial that he will turn himself in ahead of the deadline. He’s not one to shy away from a fight, folks. But mark my words, this trial will be nothing more than a political sham designed to paint Trump as a criminal and distract us from the real issues facing our nation.

Stay tuned, folks, because this trial is just getting started, and it’s sure to be a bumpy ride filled with bias and political maneuvering. But conservatives won’t back down. We’ll continue to fight for truth, justice, and a fair shake for President Trump!

Written by Staff Reports

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