
DOJ Targets Whistleblower Surgeon Critics Say Biden Admin Suppressing Dissent

The Biden Justice Department has made headlines yet again for its heavy-handed approach to silencing dissent. In a move that smacks of political overreach, the DOJ has indicted Dr. Eithan Haim, a resident at Baylor College of Medicine, on what many are calling trumped-up charges of mishandling patient information.

Dr. Haim, a Dallas-based surgeon, found himself in hot water after allegedly accessing patient records at Texas Children’s Hospital without proper authorization. The DOJ claims that he then leaked this information to the press, sparking a firestorm over the hospital’s provision of gender-affirming care to minors.

It’s no secret that the left has been pushing an agenda of normalizing transgender treatments for minors, despite mounting evidence of the risks and ethical concerns involved. Texas, like many other states, has taken steps to push back against this trend, leading to a legal battle that is now playing out in the courts.

The DOJ’s actions in targeting Dr. Haim and a nurse who spoke out against financial fraud at the hospital reek of political motivation. Instead of addressing the real issues at hand, such as potential Medicaid fraud and violations of state law, the Biden administration seems intent on punishing those who dare to challenge their preferred narrative.

The fact that Texas Children’s Hospital may have been using Medicaid funds to pay for gender-affirming procedures, in direct violation of state law, should be cause for serious concern. Yet, the focus has shifted to targeting whistleblowers and stifling public discourse on this important issue.

As conservatives, it’s crucial to shine a light on these abuses of power and stand up for those who are being unjustly persecuted for speaking out. The Biden administration’s willingness to weaponize the DOJ for political gain should worry all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs.

Written by Staff Reports

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