
DOJ’s Clarke Clueless on Free Speech Case? GOP Stunned by Alleged Ignorance!

In a shocking turn of events, Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Kristen Clarke, has claimed to have no knowledge of a landmark free-speech case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, leaving Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and others dumbfounded by her unbelievable claim. How could someone in such a high-ranking position not be aware of such a significant case? Jordan and his fellow committee members, as well as the American public, are rightfully astounded by Clarke’s supposed ignorance.

The case, Missouri v. Biden, involves allegations that the White House and federal agencies conspired to censor Americans’ speech on social media, particularly speech regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. In a 162-page opinion, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty described the situation as a “dystopian scenario” and likened the government’s actions to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” This is no small matter, yet Clarke claimed to have no familiarity with the case when questioned by Republican Rep. Dan Bishop of North Carolina.

The fact that Clarke, a high-ranking official in the Department of Justice, could be so unaware of such a monumental case raises serious questions about the integrity and political motivations of the DOJ. Jordan and others have pointed to Clarke’s ignorance as evidence of the Justice Department’s political bias and questionable actions. It’s hard to imagine that this level of ignorance is anything but intentional, given the significance of the case and Clarke’s position within the department.

The possibility of Clarke lying or being grossly incompetent cannot be ruled out. After all, she has nothing to fear from congressional Republicans or the electorate, being a permanent member of the Washington, D.C. bureaucracy. With little incentive to tell the truth, one can’t help but wonder if Clarke’s claim of ignorance is nothing more than a deliberate attempt to avoid addressing the case and protect the interests of the Biden administration.

In light of Clarke’s stunning admission, Republicans and concerned citizens are left questioning the credibility and motives of the Department of Justice. If someone in Clarke’s position can claim to be unaware of such a significant case, what else might be going on behind the scenes? The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their government, and Clarke’s astounding claim only adds fuel to the fire of public distrust in the DOJ.

The public deserves to know the truth, and it’s up to responsible journalists to continue shining a light on these troubling developments within the Justice Department. The Western Journal remains dedicated to uncovering the truth and fighting for traditional American values, despite facing backlash and financial challenges from liberal elites. With the support of readers who value honesty and integrity, independent media outlets like The Western Journal can continue holding the powerful accountable and providing the American people with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Written by Staff Reports

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