
DOJ’s Dirty Tactics: Tarrio Exposes Plot to Frame Trump for Capitol Riots!

In a shocking turn of events, Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys and recent recipient of a prison sentence for his involvement in the Capitol Riots, has come forward with explosive accusations against the Department of Justice. According to Tarrio, the DOJ attempted to coerce him into fabricating a link between Donald Trump and the events of January 6th in exchange for a plea deal. Can you believe the audacity of these deep state elites?

Tarrio boldly proclaimed, “They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him. I told them to pound sand!” It’s clear that he was not willing to tarnish the reputation of our great leader, even if it meant sacrificing his freedom for twenty-two long years. This is the kind of loyalty and integrity that should be commended, not condemned!

He further lamented, “I could have been home, warm and cozy in my bed, laughing at the world. All I had to do was confirm a lie about Trump.” It’s truly heartbreaking to see the lengths to which the corrupt DOJ was willing to go to frame our beloved President. They wanted Tarrio to sign a false statement, claiming that he had communicated with Trump about the events of January 6th. These baseless allegations are nothing more than a desperate attempt to delegitimize Trump and his movement.

Tarrio also revealed the names of two DOJ officials involved in this malicious plot. Jocelyn Ballantine, who previously worked on General Michael Flynn’s case, has a history of dishonesty and tampering with evidence. It’s clear that her allegiance lies with the deep state, not with justice.

And let’s not forget about Attorney Jason McCullough, who shamelessly implored jurors to find the Proud Boys guilty of seditious conspiracy. It’s clear that these individuals have a clear bias against conservative voices and will stop at nothing to destroy anyone associated with the Trump movement.

While Tarrio admits that there is still a need for concrete evidence to prove his allegations, we cannot ignore the pattern of corruption within the DOJ. It is crucial that a thorough investigation takes place to uncover the truth and hold these deep state elites accountable for their nefarious actions.

The mainstream media may dismiss Tarrio’s claims as baseless, but true patriots know better. We must stand behind Tarrio and demand justice for the injustices committed against him and President Trump. The truth must prevail, and the American people deserve to know the extent of the corruption within our own government.

Written by Staff Reports

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