
DOJ’s Last-Minute Hunter Biden Case Shuffle: Favoritism or Cover-Up?

Oh boy, here we go again with the Biden family drama! It seems like the Department of Justice just can’t help themselves when it comes to giving special treatment to the Bidens. The latest debacle involves a last-minute swap of the prosecution team in the Hunter Biden case, and it’s raising a whole lot of eyebrows.

Now, let’s break this down like the pieces of evidence in a crime scene. When the charges were filed, the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s office conveniently replaced the experienced prosecutors who had been working on the case for years with a fresh new batch of legal minds. It’s almost like they wanted a clean slate before they went after dear old Hunter.

But here’s the kicker – these new prosecutors have zero experience with the case or the investigation. Talk about throwing rookies into the lion’s den! It’s like hiring someone fresh out of law school to solve a high-profile murder case. Are we supposed to believe that these newbies are suddenly the best choice for the job? Yeah, right.

And the plot thickens! One of the new prosecutors, Derek Hines, has ties to none other than Hunter’s business partner and ex-FBI director Louis Freeh. Talk about a conflict of interest! How can we trust that this guy will be impartial when he used to work closely with one of the key players in this whole mess?

But it doesn’t stop there. Another prosecutor, Leo Wise, was basically demoted from a more prestigious position in the Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office to be a lowly line prosecutor. Ouch! Did he mess up big time, and this is his punishment? Or is the DOJ just trying to sweep him under the rug so he doesn’t spill the beans about what really went down?

Now, let’s not forget about AUSA Lesley Wolf, the prosecutor who conveniently didn’t make the cut on the charges filing. According to IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, she played a shady role in the investigation by preventing questions about Joe Biden and the mysterious “Big Guy.” Hmm, sounds like she has something to hide. No wonder Congress wants to talk to her!

But what’s the DOJ’s response to all of this? Nothing but crickets. When asked why they made the last-minute switcheroo, they simply replied, “We decline to comment on staffing and personnel matters.” How convenient. Is it just me, or does their silence scream cover-up?

Look, folks, it’s time to call a spade a spade. The Department of Justice is playing a dangerous game of musical chairs with the prosecution team in the Hunter Biden case. It reeks of favoritism and an attempt to hide the truth. The American people deserve transparency, not more smoke and mirrors.

So buckle up, because this Hunter Biden saga is far from over. Congress is ready to subpoena these prosecutors and get some real answers. Let’s hope they can cut through the DOJ’s manipulation and expose the corruption lurking beneath the surface. We’re watching, and we demand justice!

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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