
Don Gaetz Returns: Florida Senate Shaken-Up, “Woke-ism” Beware!

Well, well, well, it seems like Don Gaetz, the former president of the Florida Senate, is ready to step back into the political ring. In a move that has undoubtedly shaken up the race, Gaetz has declared his intention to run for the Florida Senate once again. At the age of 75, this guy has more energy than a Chihuahua on Redbull!

Now, it’s no surprise that the Republican party is buzzing with excitement over this news. Gaetz is practically a legend in their eyes, with a record that speaks for itself. And guess who’s stepping aside to make way for this political titan? None other than fellow Republican Frank White, who claims Gaetz has his “full support.” Well, Frank, I guess you realized you couldn’t compete with the greatness that is Don Gaetz.

But what led Gaetz to this decision? Apparently, it was all thanks to a radio host who mentioned how much the public wanted to see him back in the Senate. Talk about peer pressure! Gaetz admitted he hadn’t considered running until that fateful moment. And just a few days later, White comes waltzing in, offering to withdraw if Gaetz decided to run. It’s like a political fairy tale, folks!

Now, Don Gaetz is no stranger to the Florida Senate. He served from 2006 to 2016, even nabbing the title of Senate President from 2012 to 2014. This guy knows his way around the state capital like the back of his hand. And let’s not forget about his impressive work on education reform. As a former superintendent of Okaloosa County schools, Gaetz knows a thing or two about getting things done in the education system.

But it’s not just his political pedigree that has people excited. Gaetz’s son, Matt Gaetz, who happens to be a U.S. Representative, voiced his support for his father’s campaign. Family is everything, right? And let’s not forget about his buddy, state Sen. Doug Broxson, who quickly endorsed Gaetz, praising him as one of the best Senate presidents. High praise, indeed.

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Gaetz made it clear that he’s ready for a “spirited campaign.” And boy, does he have some strong opinions. He’s all about making Florida a more affordable state, tackling those pesky high costs that are plaguing residents. And don’t get him started on this whole “woke-ism” nonsense in the education system. Gaetz is right there with Governor Ron DeSantis, fighting to eliminate it. He believes in promoting civics and debate in schools and believes parents should have the final say in what their kids read. Bravo, Gaetz!

But wait, there’s more! Don wants to set the record straight about his son, Matt, potentially running for governor in 2026. Apparently, that’s just a juicy rumor. Matt is too busy taking on budget and spending problems in Washington and fighting for term limits. Sounds like the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

So there you have it, folks. Don Gaetz is making a triumphant return to the political arena, ready to shake things up in the Florida Senate. With his experience, passion, and strong conservative beliefs, he’s the man for the job. Watch out, Florida, Don Gaetz is back and he means business!

Written by Staff Reports

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