
Don Jr. Reloads for Legal Showdown, Targets AG’s Fraud Fable

Don Jr. is gearing up to take on the stand once again to defend his dad against Attorney General Letitia James’ accusations of fraud. This showdown is heating up like a Texas barbecue, folks! Don Jr., at a ripe 45 years old, will be the first to bat for his old man after James wrapped up her case last week. The AG claims that the Trump Organization fudged the numbers on their property values in financial documents. But hold onto your hats, because Don Jr. ain’t havin’ any of it!

He already gave his two cents earlier this month when he was pressed by James’ team about his role at the Trump Organization. In a sassy testimony, he made it crystal clear that he had zilch to do with the financial statements in question. Don Jr. wasn’t about to take the fall for something he claimed he had no part in. He basically said, “Hey, look, I trusted the finance whizzes at the company. They’re the ones who know the nitty-gritty details, not me!”

Now, Don Jr. is strutting back onto the scene to set the record straight once and for all. He’s ready to stand tall and back up his pops. And he’s not alone! The Trump defense squad is bringing in a whole cavalry of experts to prove that the financial statements aren’t as crucial as James makes ’em out to be. They ain’t playin’ games, folks! This is turning into a Wild West showdown, except it’s all about financial jargon instead of Colt revolvers.

And the drama doesn’t stop there, folks! The whole shebang is scheduled to keep chuggin’ along ’til December 22nd. It’s gonna be one heck of a rollercoaster ride, so buckle up, because this political soap opera is far from over! So keep your eyes peeled for the latest updates, folks, ’cause this trial ain’t fixin’ to be a snoozefest!

Written by Staff Reports

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