
Down He Goes: Biden’s Approval Rating Hits Rock Bottom According to Monmouth

Joe Biden’s approval rating has hit a new low, and it’s no surprise to conservatives. In a recent poll conducted by Monmouth University, only 34 percent of Americans approved of Biden’s performance as president. Meanwhile, a whopping 61 percent expressed their disapproval.

This is a concerning trend for the Democrats, as their beloved Biden, who is already in his 80s, is considered their presumptive nominee for the next election. It seems that even members of his own party are starting to question his ability to lead.

The decline in Biden’s approval rating is not an isolated incident. It has been steadily decreasing since he took office. In July, his approval stood at a mediocre 44 percent. By September, it had dropped to 38 percent. And now, in December, it has plummeted to a pathetic 34 percent.

Even among Democrats, Biden’s approval has taken a nosedive. In just five months, it has sunk a staggering 14 points. In July, a whopping 88 percent of Democrats approved of his presidency. By September, that number had dropped to 80 percent. And now, in December, a mere 74 percent still stand by their president.

These numbers are hard to ignore, and they are reflected in other polls as well. Fox News found that a majority of Democrat primary voters prefer an alternative to Biden. Morning Consult discovered that Trump leads Biden in six out of seven crucial swing states. Pew Research revealed that Biden’s approval rating is at a dismal 33 percent, the lowest since he took office. And even CNN, a typically liberal-leaning news outlet, acknowledges that Biden’s approval rating is the lowest it has ever been during his presidency.

When confronted about his declining popularity, Biden responded with his usual snark and dismissiveness, telling reporters they were “reading the wrong polls.” But the truth is hard to ignore, and it seems that even Biden himself is starting to realize the gravity of the situation. According to anonymous sources, he has privately complained about his low approval rating and his inability to gain ground on former President Donald Trump.

Biden’s presidency is in trouble. He may try to deny it, but the numbers don’t lie. Conservatives have been warning about his incompetence for years, and now the American people are starting to see it too.

Written by Staff Reports

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