
Dr. Phil Blasts Biden, Nails Border Crisis on Rogan Show!

Dr. Phil McGraw, the well-known talk show host, made an appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast and gave his two cents on the border crisis. He suggested that the chaos at the border could have been avoided if the Biden administration hadn’t scrapped former President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. Dr. Phil, who recently visited the southern border in Eagle Pass, Texas, expressed shock at the severity of the crisis and the demoralizing effect it has had on Border Patrol workers.

According to Dr. Phil, Border Patrol agents feel like glorified babysitters because, instead of actually apprehending illegal immigrants, they’re being tasked with processing and providing resources to them. This, he argues, only serves to encourage more illegal border crossings by rewarding bad behavior. Not to mention, it’s diverting resources from actual law enforcement and border protection.

The talk show host also shared his conversation with Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol, who emphasized that, instead of more money or agents, they simply need the ability to enforce existing immigration laws, particularly the effective “Remain in Mexico” policy implemented by Trump. This policy, aimed at keeping illegal immigrants in Mexico while their asylum applications were processed, had proven successful at curbing mass migration into the United States. However, Biden did away with it shortly after taking office, resulting in a flood of illegal aliens being released into the country.

Dr. Phil also raised concerns about the surge of migrants from China, noting a significant increase in the number of Chinese crossing the border. He warned that among those seeking a better life, there could be individuals with malicious intent, including military-aged men with military-style appearances, raising questions about their motives and destinations within the US. All of this at a time when the Biden administration appears to be turning a blind eye to national security risks.

In summary, Dr. Phil’s assessment of the border crisis aligns with conservative viewpoints, highlighting the recklessness of the Biden administration’s immigration policies. With the mass influx of unvetted migrants, the potential for exploitation of resources, and the threat to national security, it’s clear that the current administration’s actions are jeopardizing the safety and well-being of Americans. It’s time for a change.

Written by Staff Reports

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