
Duke and Santiago Discuss Israel’s Response to Hamas Attack on October 7th

In this article, Thomas LaDuke, also known as Duke, discusses his recent conversation with Dennis Santiago on the situation in the Middle East. They specifically focus on Israel’s response to an attack by Hamas on October 7th. Duke shares that the full interview can be heard online, offering a deeper dive into the ongoing conflict in the region.

As a conservative writer, Duke emphasizes the importance of supporting Israel in the face of terrorist attacks. He highlights the need for a strong response to threats against the Israeli people and their right to defend themselves. Duke’s views align with many conservatives who believe in standing with Israel as a key ally in the Middle East.

Duke encourages readers to engage with him on social media and join the discussion on his radio show. His conservative perspective on foreign policy and national security issues shines through in his coverage of the Middle East conflict. By amplifying voices like Dennis Santiago’s, Duke provides a platform for conservative viewpoints on complex geopolitical issues.

Overall, Duke’s article underscores the conservative principle of supporting allies like Israel and promoting a robust defense against terrorism. His work on reflects a commitment to upholding traditional values and advocating for a strong national security policy. By sharing insights from his conversation with Santiago, Duke offers readers a deeper understanding of the challenges facing the Middle East and the importance of standing firm in the face of threats.

Written by Staff Reports

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