
Duke Energy Slammed Over Reason for Raising Customers’ Bills

Duke Energy, the dominant energy company in North Carolina, is facing criticism from Consumers’ Research for its adoption of woke ESG policies. These policies, which focus on environmental, social, and governance factors, have led to higher energy costs for Duke Energy’s customers. The company has shifted away from reliable and affordable energy sources towards more costly and less reliable wind and solar energy. As a result, Duke Energy has repeatedly raised rates for its customers and warned of future increases. This decision to prioritize ESG over customer affordability comes at a time when Americans are already grappling with rising costs due to President Joe Biden and the Democrats’ policies to dismantle American energy independence.

To hold Duke Energy accountable, Consumers’ Research has launched an advertising campaign and sent a letter to the North Carolina Utilities Commission. The letter highlights Duke Energy’s monopoly over North Carolina’s energy markets and the lack of recourse for consumers to avoid rate increases. The letter also points out that Duke Energy plans to increase power bills by nearly 20% over the next three years, including compensation for failed projects and subsidies for discriminatory pilot programs that favor electric vehicle owners over ordinary North Carolinians. Consumers’ Research argues that Duke Energy’s focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives does nothing to deliver reliable service to customers and only adds unnecessary costs.

Furthermore, the letter criticizes Duke Energy’s employment practices, including setting racial and gender quotas for their workforce. Consumers’ Research argues that these quotas are an affront to civil rights, distract from the company’s core responsibilities, and may lead to lawsuits. The letter also mentions Duke Energy’s sponsorship of a Youth Pride Carnival in 2022, which included a drag show intended for children as young as 12. Consumers’ Research believes that customers should not be forced to subsidize the promotion of transgender ideology to their own children.

In terms of the environmental aspect of ESG, Consumers’ Research accuses Duke Energy of engaging in political advocacy for anti-consumer “net-zero” policies. These policies increase costs for Duke Energy and, in turn, result in rate hikes for customers. The letter argues that Duke Energy’s support for such policies is a clear conflict of interest. Despite Duke Energy’s attempts to blame rate hikes on legislation, Consumers’ Research alleges that Duke Energy openly brags about lobbying for these laws. The group asserts that Duke Energy customers are being compelled to subsidize legislation that will further raise costs for their households.

Consumers’ Research has launched a campaign against Duke Energy, including a website (, mobile billboards near Duke Energy’s headquarters in Charlotte and a hotel where a board member is speaking, and digital ads targeting the company’s customers and employees. The organization aims to educate and amplify the voice of consumers who are impacted by Duke Energy’s actions. Consumers’ Research urges the North Carolina Utilities Commission to put an end to what they view as Duke Energy’s abuse of consumers, citing expensive projects, political initiatives, and excessive pay increases for executives.

Written by Staff Reports

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