
Economic Fairy Tales? Press Sec Fumbles on Biden’s Pricey Reality!

Speaking at the White House, the Press Secretary boasted about the supposed success of the Biden economy. However, when it came to answering questions about why Americans are feeling the financial pinch, she stumbled and bumbled like she was in a game of hot potato.

Ya see, when President Trump was in charge, inflation was a measly .7 percent. Now, it’s rocketed up to nearly 4 percent, keepin’ those everyday household items, energy, and food costs higher than a giraffe’s neck!

According to Bloomberg, US consumers are struttin’ around with a burden on their shoulders that hasn’t been seen in donkey’s years. It now takes $119.27 to buy what a fam could snatch up with just $100 before the pandemic hit. Prices have busted through the roof in every corner of the economy, from groceries shootin’ up 25%, to used car prices spiraling 35%, and rents creeping up about 20%. It’s no wonder why folks are less than thrilled with the state of the economy. They’re going about their daily business just like before, but the cost of living’s playing a whole different ballgame.

Since Biden waltzed into the Oval Office, Americans have been watchin’ the price tags on food, gas, and regular ol’ household items climb higher and higher. And while all those prices have been shootin’ up, wages have been doin’ a U-turn and headin’ south, squeezing family budgets even tighter. That’s what they call good ol’ #Bidenomics.

But hold onto your hats, folks, ’cause it gets better! President Biden wants everyone to believe that wages for working families have shot up and inflation’s taken a nosedive by a whopping 65%! The reality? Prices have hiked up a hefty 17.6% since Biden came into power, while real wages have gone on a downward spiral, droppin’ by 3%. Quick math lesson for ya, that ain’t lookin’ too rosy for our wallets!

And if that’s not enough, Biden’s out there tryin’ to spin a yarn about Republicans wantin’ to snip the budget for roads. Yeah, you heard that right, he’s out here claimin’ that those MAGA Republicans are gunning to hacksaw funding for roads, bridges, and the internet. If that doesn’t give ya a good chuckle, I don’t know what will!

Written by Staff Reports

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