
Ed. Sec. Cardona Echoes McAuliffe: A Parental Rights Flub Haunting Biden’s 2024 Bid?

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona is facing backlash for his recent comments on parental rights in education. In an interview with the Associated Press, Cardona expressed his belief that parents should not be “misbehaving in public” and acting as if they know what is best for their children. This comment echoes the infamous remarks made by Terry McAuliffe during the Virginia gubernatorial debate in 2021, which ultimately led to his campaign’s downfall.

Cardona’s disregard for parental input into education is concerning and indicative of the Biden administration’s stance on the issue. It is no secret that Cardona has a disdain for parental involvement and has previously stated that teachers know what is best for their students. This attitude is dismissive of the rights and values of parents who have a vested interest in their children’s education.

The Democratic Party is making a grave mistake by underestimating the power of parents in the education system. McAuliffe’s defeat in Virginia should serve as a clear warning to Democrats that parents are a force to be reckoned with. The Biden administration would do well to listen to the concerns of parents instead of dismissing them as misbehaving or uninformed.

It is crucial for conservatives to continue fighting for parental rights and involvement in education. The future of our children’s education should not be left solely in the hands of bureaucrats and activists who prioritize their own agenda over the well-being of students. It is time for parents to take a stand and demand a say in their children’s education, and for politicians like Cardona to listen.

Written by Staff Reports

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