
Effort to Blame Trump for Afghanistan Fiasco Backfires as Kamala Harris Gets Exposed Again

A recent effort by a shadowy group of former military officers to exonerate Kamala Harris from the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal has backfired spectacularly. This convoluted narrative echoes the infamous “51 former intelligence professionals” who attempted to excuse Hunter Biden’s laptop debacle in favor of Joe Biden. Now, a new coalition of retired military brass has set its sights on placing blame for the chaos squarely on former President Donald Trump while painting Harris as a victim of circumstances beyond her control.

The assertion that Trump is primarily responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal defies logic. Overlooking the fact that Trump negotiated a peace deal with the Taliban well before Biden took office, it seems this group wants the American public to forget that Trump left behind a framework for withdrawal. The claim would suggest that Biden and Harris had no time to prepare, despite the agreement being signed 534 days prior to the evacuation. Such a lapse in planning would more accurately point to the incompetence of the Biden administration rather than any shortcomings attributed to Trump.

Harris, in particular, has faced self-inflicted wounds by claiming she was the “last person” in the room during critical discussions, which makes her attempts to distance herself from the fallout all the more laughable. The undeniable facts indicate that when the rubber hit the road, it was the Biden-Harris administration that had the ultimate decision-making authority, and blaming Trump now looks like a desperate ploy from political players trying to salvage their legacies.

Compounding the absurdity, this group of retired military figures, while credentialed, has chosen to overlook the reality that Biden’s administration has been defined by its inability to handle the withdrawal appropriately. Signaling towards a successful airlift as though it were a redeemed accomplishment fails to grasp the magnitude of what this departure ultimately represented—utterly abandoning allies, leaving citizens behind, and providing the Taliban a resounding victory. The notion of celebrating the largest airlift in U.S. history is akin to touting the Titanic as the most luxurious ship after it sank.

To further complicate matters, a House Foreign Affairs Committee report outlined a very different picture. Contrary to the narrative being spun by these ex-officers, the report made it clear that there were plans in place that Biden and his administration neglected to follow. If they were truly interested in a smooth transition out of Afghanistan, why didn’t they utilize the strategies already prepared by their predecessors? It seems an unwillingness to accept responsibility continues to reign supreme among the ranks of the Biden administration.

In the midst of all this chaos, the group’s conclusion that Trump poses a threat to national security is a deflection away from the true concern—the dangerous mismanagement and negligence exhibited by the current leadership. As military leaders engage in finger-pointing, the American public is left to question whether their motives are rooted in genuine national security interests or partisan politics. Ultimately, the retirement of responsibility among these officials only serves to undermine the integrity of the military establishment while flailing hopelessly in a bid to protect Harris and Biden from the consequences of their own poor choices.

Written by Staff Reports

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