In a statement, Elon Musk, the founder and owner of X, said that a new feature will remove subheads and headlines from news articles on the platform. He explained that the change will improve the appearance of the site. He said that, starting today, users will only see the featured image of the article when they post a link to it.
Despite the protests from advertisers, Musk pushed through with his plan to add a feature that will allow users to add their own content to their posts. However, some French publishers criticized the change, claiming that it is an attempt to evade copyright law.
This follows Musk's announcement that the "block" feature on X would be removed, with only direct messaging available. This decision caused a lot of uproar among its users, who rely on this feature to keep their content safe from harassment. According to Musk, the block feature "makes no sense." Some users noted that blocking is very important to prevent unwanted replies and scammers.
Although it is hoped that the removal of headlines from news articles will improve the site's appearance, it is a concern that Musk is prioritizing his own vision of how the platform should look instead of the needs of its users. Moreover, his decision to remove the block feature, which only allows direct messaging, undermines the valid reasons for using this tool.