
Elon Musk Slams Biden’s Tax Hypocrisy, Defends Middle Class in Epic Twitter Takedown

Elon Musk once again showed his hilarious sense of humor and his disdain for liberal politicians. This time, he set his sights on Joe Biden and his recent Twitter antics. Biden’s account tweeted saying that it’s time for the super-rich to pay their fair share of taxes. But, as the Tax Foundation explains, this claim is extremely flawed.

Elon, being a super-wealthy individual and having paid a ton in taxes himself, saw through this and called out the hypocrisy of it all. He jokingly pleaded with Biden to have control of his own Twitter account and to stop letting others tweet for him. We all know that Biden is not capable of controlling his own account after bedtime, let alone the account itself if we’re being honest.

Elon also fact-checked Biden’s tax statement and pointed out that extensive tax avoidance schemes should be illegal. However, because a lot of Biden’s donors engage in these tax-avoidance schemes, nothing is ever done about it. The people who will be hurt the most by Biden’s excessive government spending and tax hikes are lower and middle-income wage earners who cannot escape the payroll tax.

Instead of imposing more taxes on the middle class, Biden should focus on reducing government spending and deflating the current inflation that has ballooned to new heights not seen in decades. Unfortunately, this is just Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” made into new packaging. Elitists with their power and hungry for more will stop at nothing to further increase their power and lap up government benefits that hurt ordinary people like you and I.

Written by Staff Reports

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