
Epstein Cash Boosts Plaskett: Dems’ Dark Donor Web Exposed

Stacey Plaskett, the delegate from the Virgin Islands, is in hot water once again, this time over her connections to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. It seems that Plaskett met with Epstein numerous times after her entry into politics in 2014, even visiting his office in the Virgin Islands and his New York City townhouse. Plaskett insists that these meetings were meant to solicit campaign donations, but emails revealed in court documents show that she directed her fundraising consultant to ensure Epstein was invited to her fundraiser and even wrote that she would be grateful for his support.

This news is especially troubling considering Epstein’s public conviction for child sex crimes, which raises questions about Plaskett’s judgement and ethics. As a Democratic ranking member on House Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee, she should be held to a higher standard and should not associate with individuals with such a disturbing criminal background.

Plaskett’s connections to Epstein may have helped her in her election to congress, especially since Epstein donated $10,400 to her campaign. It is also worth noting that Plaskett defeated her rival by a mere 737 votes, indicating that Epstein’s boost could have made a significant difference in the race.

Despite the damning evidence against her, Plaskett still denies knowing that Epstein contributed to her campaign and even claims that she regrets accepting the donation. However, her continued contact with Epstein and her visits to his townhouse in Manhattan and solicitation of more money from him even in 2018 call into question her sincerity.

It is time for Plaskett to be held accountable for her actions and for her to answer to the American people for her questionable associations. The fact that she is attacking Republicans and urging violence against President Trump only adds to the concerns about her judgement and character. Perhaps it is time for the voters of the Virgin Islands to look for new leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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