
Epstein’s Sinister Circle Revealed: Unveiling Delay Sham This Wednesday!

The list of known associates of the late Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire pedophile, is finally set to be released. Despite an appeal from one anonymous woman in the group, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has decided to go ahead with the release. However, they have granted anonymity to three Jane Does until at least January 22, after one of them was granted a 30-day extension. It seems like some people are desperate to keep their names hidden.

Interestingly, reports initially speculated that the release of all the identities would be delayed, but it has been confirmed that over 150 names from Epstein’s list will become unsealed. Let’s see who’s been rubbing shoulders with this notorious criminal.

One of the Jane Does who requested anonymity argued that she could face physical harm if her name were to be made public, as she lives in a “culturally conservative” foreign country. It’s worth questioning why someone who associates with a pedophile like Epstein is concerned about their reputation in the first place.

And here’s a bombshell: former President Bill Clinton is rumored to be on the list. According to reports, Clinton’s name appears over 50 times in redacted papers related to a lawsuit against Epstein’s partner, Ghislaine Maxwell. It’s no surprise that the Clintons seem to have a shady connection to Epstein. The public has always been skeptical of the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death, and this revelation will only fuel the fire.

Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s accusers, has been fighting for justice and restitution. She recently received an undisclosed sum from Prince Andrew, Duke of York, as compensation for her abuse suffered under Epstein. Giuffre claims she was raped by Prince Andrew when she was just 17, and he has continually denied the allegations. But why would he settle out of court if he’s innocent? It seems like there’s a pattern here of powerful people trying to hide their dirty secrets.

Overall, the release of the Epstein associate list is long overdue. It’s time for these enablers and co-conspirators to face the repercussions of their actions. Let’s hope this is just the beginning of unraveling the entire web of corruption surrounding Epstein and his powerful friends.

Written by Staff Reports

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