
Even Snopes Calls Out Biden’s Blunder, Leaves Leftists Fuming!

In a surprising twist, Snopes, a fact-checking platform often criticized for its perceived bias, has taken an unexpected stance in favor of former President Donald Trump. This decision has left many liberals displeased. Snopes addressed a claim made by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign team, asserting that Trump had openly admitted to "waging an all-out war on American democracy." The assertion, deemed absurd by many, paints a picture of a former president openly declaring war on the very democracy he once led.

During a speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Trump accused his political opponents of waging war on American democracy. However, Snopes, in an unusual move, declared the claim false. According to Snopes' David Emery, Trump's words were taken out of context, suggesting that he likely intended to convey, "They've been waging an all-out war on American democracy," though those weren't the exact words spoken. Such a direct assessment is atypical for Snopes, which is often accused of aligning its conclusions with a liberal agenda. Conservatives are cautioned not to read too much into this, as Snopes is expected to return to its usual approach sooner rather than later.

Interestingly, liberals are reacting strongly to Snopes' ruling, struggling to accept the fact that even their trusted fact-checker has contradicted their narrative. Regardless of the meticulous examination of semantics or the choice between "on" and "in," the crucial point is that Trump's words were not an explicit attack on the right to vote. Instead, he sought to underscore its significance, reminding the nation of the importance of the right to vote and expressing confidence in his ability to win again by reigniting his supporters.

While Snopes' ruling might not have a significant impact on the political landscape, it reflects the left's unease and desperation. Faced with the realization that their hold on power is precarious, the left appears unable to tolerate even a minor deviation from their narrative, especially from a traditionally aligned source like Snopes. Conservatives are reassured that Snopes is likely to revert to its previous tendencies, emphasizing the ongoing ideological struggle. In this context, supporters are encouraged to join The Western Journal to contribute to the battle against perceived liberal elites and to uphold the commitment to exposing the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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