
Ex-Biden Lawyer Linked to ‘Big Guy’ Probe Freeze, Insider Reveals!

In a twist of events that could have been straight out of a crime thriller, it has been revealed that Alexander Mackler, a former deputy counsel to Vice President Joe Biden, served alongside Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf in the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. Mackler’s connection to Joe Biden goes way back, as he also worked as the campaign manager for Beau Biden in his successful run for Delaware Attorney General.

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Mackler and Hunter Biden apparently stayed in close communication while Mackler was serving as an assistant U.S. attorney of Delaware. Some eyebrow-raising emails from Mackler to Hunter Biden have come to light, showing their friendly rapport. In one email, Mackler expressed concern for Hunter and invited him to catch up, while in another, he expressed his thoughts and even offered to meet up when Hunter was in Washington, D.C.

But what does all of this have to do with the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden? Well, nothing concrete has been established linking Mackler to any interference in the probe. However, IRS agent whistleblowers have come forward and accused Lesley Wolf, Mackler’s colleague in the Delaware Department of Justice, of preventing investigators from asking about “the big guy” (presumably Joe Biden). These agents also allege that Wolf cautioned against searching Joe Biden’s guest house for evidence against Hunter Biden due to concerns over optics.

This latest revelation raises serious questions about the independence and impartiality of the investigation into Hunter Biden. It seems that there may have been a concerted effort to protect Joe Biden from being implicated in this whole affair. And to make matters worse, Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to appoint a special counsel for the investigation, which could have provided some much-needed separation between Joe Biden and his own Department of Justice.

It’s truly disheartening to see how political interests can influence the course of justice. There should be a thorough and unbiased investigation into the allegations against Hunter Biden, whether they involve FARA violations or any other criminal activities. The American people deserve the truth, regardless of which political party it may implicate. Let’s hope that transparency and accountability prevail in the end.

Written by Staff Reports

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