
Ex-CNN Pundit Flubs Reality Check, Flunks Twitter Spat

So, the former CNN everyman pundit Chris Cillizza had yet another no good, very bad day, demonstrating once again that he has a consistent talent for getting things totally wrong even when he worked for a major media company. Now that he’s doing his own thing, he’s managed to turn up the heat on the already blazing dumpster fire that has become his career.

In just a single day, Cillizza insisted he never said he’d been fired from CNN when, surprise, he actually said just that. Then, in a classic case of gaslighting, he claimed that one of the favorite talking points of left-wing politicians and journalists — that blue-collar workers losing their jobs should consider it a good opportunity — was never a thing. So basically, he’s rewriting history faster than you can say “Orwellian.”

And of course, as if Cillizza’s day couldn’t get any worse, it was also a bad day for the Los Angeles Times, known for its persistent conservative-baiting, which announced layoffs for more than 20 percent of its newsroom. Not surprising, given the outlet’s penchant for bashing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and anyone who dared to question the so-called expert Dr. Anthony Fauci.

DeSantis’ press secretary, Jeremy Redfern, didn’t hold back his feelings about the layoffs, and Cillizza, being the clever wordsmith he is, decided it was a good idea to take on Redfern on Twitter. Spoiler alert: It didn’t go well for Cillizza.

Rather than show any empathy, Cillizza took to Twitter to wag his finger at Redfern and said, “Will never get people who celebrate when other humans — with families, mortgages, medical bills, etc. — lose their jobs.”

Redfern shot back, asking Cillizza if he learned to code after getting fired by CNN, because, you know, that’s what journalists usually tell blue-collar workers who lose their jobs. Burn!

Then, Cillizza tried to defend himself, insisting that he didn’t say anything to miners about anything. Sorry, Cillizza, but the internet never forgets. Eventually, it surfaced that he had indeed claimed he was fired from CNN and pushed back on the “learn to code” narrative.

As if that wasn’t cringe-worthy enough, Cillizza also denied that the left-wing narrative of telling displaced workers to “learn to code” even existed. But a quick Google search revealed that it has been A Thing™ for quite some time. Even Joe Biden suggested miners should “learn to program.” Oops!

At the end of the day, Cillizza’s day-to-day memory seems to be about as reliable as a leaky boat. Perhaps the only thing that’s as consistent as his bad takes is his chronic inability to remember what he’s said. Whether he was fired or not by CNN, Cillizza’s desperate attempts to save face simply added fuel to the flaming wreck that has become his crumbling career.

Written by Staff Reports

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