
Ex-IRS Mole Leaks Trump Taxes: Is Biden’s DOJ Prepping a Sweetheart Deal?

The Department of Justice under Joe Biden’s administration is once again demonstrating its lawlessness and political bias. Charles Edward Littlejohn, an IRS employee who openly admitted to planning to use his position to steal Donald Trump’s tax information for Democrat political gain, is being handed a sweetheart deal by the DOJ. Despite the seriousness of his crimes, it appears that Littlejohn will face little to no jail time due to the weak prosecution from the DOJ.

During his court case, Littlejohn’s lawyers revealed that he had actively sought a job as an IRS consultant with the intention of accessing Trump’s tax returns. This act is illegal and goes against the IRS’s own pledge to protect taxpayer confidentiality. Littlejohn’s goal was clearly to violate the law and people’s rights to further the Democrat Party’s political agenda.

Even though the documents Littlejohn illegally accessed did not implicate Trump in any wrongdoing, the intent behind his actions is what matters. The Biden DOJ has failed to hold Littlejohn accountable to the full extent of the law, offering him a plea deal for only one felony charge. This leniency is surprising considering Littlejohn’s actions not only involved stealing Trump’s tax information but also leaking the returns of thousands of other individuals.

Littlejohn’s lawyers are shamelessly arguing that he acted morally by leaking the information to reputable news organizations. However, these organizations have refused to turn over the stolen data, leaving the victims with no assurance that their information won’t be further used illegally. The judge deciding Littlejohn’s sentence, U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes, is a Biden appointee known for handing out lenient sentences, so it is likely that she will agree with the defense’s request for reduced jail time.

Missouri Republican Rep. Jason Smith rightly criticized the DOJ for its weak prosecution and lenient sentencing. The Biden administration seems to view the justice system as a political tool to be used against their opponents, rather than a mechanism to uphold the law. The fact that they are allowing Littlejohn to get away with his crimes is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of our justice system.

Written by Staff Reports

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