
Ex-Swimmer Blasts University for Allowing Male in Women’s Locker Room

Former University of Pennsylvania swimmer Paula Scanlan has courageously spoken out against the school's outrageous decision to allow Lia Thomas, a biological male, to share a dressing room with his female teammates. This startling revelation emerged as Scanlan testified before a House Judiciary subcommittee on the topic of "gender-affirming care" for minors.

Scanlan revealed the university's disregard for the needs and welfare of the UPenn women's swimming team. After shockingly transferring to the women's team from the men's, Thomas began to break records left and right. It's almost as if competing against biological females instead of biological males provided him with a significant advantage. But who needs sportsmanship when virtue signaling is available?

"My teammates and I were forced to disrobe 18 times per week in front of Lia, a 6-foot-4 biological male who was fully intact and possessed male genitalia," Scanlan revealed with courage. Some females were so uncomfortable that they were forced to change in bathroom stalls or the family bathroom. Instead of addressing their legitimate concerns, the university dismissed them and offered psychological services to "re-educate" the women. How extremely insincere and patronizing!

Folks, this is about more than just athletics. This pertains to women's seclusion and dignity. By permitting a biological male into the women's locker room, the university is jeopardizing the safety and well-being of its female athletes. The words of Scanlan serve as a stark reminder that in our pursuit of inclusivity and progress, we often disregard the rights and experiences of those who stand to lose the most.

And let's not ignore the elephant in the room: the problem of sexual assault. As a survivor of sexual assault, Scanlan's personal history should cause us to pause and reflect. Shouldn't a college or university place a premium on the safety and security of its students? By permitting this flagrant disregard for boundaries, UPenn is sending a perilous message that women's experiences and concerns are subordinate to the vagaries of identity politics.

It is time to take a stand and demand change. Thomas's presence in the women's locker room should not be considered "non-negotiable." Instead of celebrating this farce and nominating Thomas for "woman of the year," the university should heed to its female athletes. They are entitled to dignity, privacy, and a level playing field. Any less does a disservice to the true spirit of athletics and the liberties of women everywhere.

Written by Staff Reports

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