
Explosive: Byron Donalds Tears into Biden Family, Accuses Media of Deception!

In a recent episode of Jesse Watters’ show, U.S. Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) went on a fiery rant against the Biden family, accusing them of being involved in a pay-for-play scandal. Donalds didn’t hold back, criticizing the mainstream media for what he believes is their deliberate attempt to deceive the American people and sweep this scandal under the rug.

Calling it “public corruption,” Donalds argued that Joe Biden himself is aware of the scandal and has been lying to the American people for years. He also accused the FBI and the Department of Justice of covering up for the Bidens, suggesting that there are deeper forces at work protecting them.

According to Donalds, the family has been accepting money from foreign sources, including the Chinese, the Ukrainians, and the Romanians. Not only that, but Donalds claimed that they haven’t been paying their fair share of taxes on these ill-gotten gains. It seems ironic to Donalds that Biden wants to raise taxes on hardworking Americans while allegedly evading his own tax obligations.

The representative didn’t mince words when it came to the media’s role in all of this. He believes they are either purposely ignoring the scandal or downplaying it as a harmless act of a father’s love for his son. To Donalds, this is not only a joke but a lie and a disaster for our country. He doesn’t trust the media to fairly report on the issue and believes they are gaslighting the American people.

Donalds made it clear that holding the Biden family accountable is a top priority for him. He mentioned that the House Oversight Committee, led by James Comer, is actively investigating these allegations and plans to interview individuals under oath. Even Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, is not off the hook according to Donalds.

President Biden, however, dismissed the allegations as “a bunch of malarkey,” seemingly unconcerned. But Donalds, along with other Republicans like Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), are not giving up. They are pushing for further investigations and are even considering withholding government funding for the FBI due to allegations of corruption within the agency.

To Donalds, this scandal and the subsequent cover-up are all part of a larger strategy by the Democrats to damage Republicans and push their own agenda, which includes the Green New Deal. He sees it as a form of gaslighting by the left to protect Biden and his family.

In his closing remarks, Donalds emphasized the importance of transparency and truth for the American people. He wants to ensure that all the information is available so that the American people can make an informed decision about Joe Biden. And in Donalds’ personal view, that decision should be to keep Biden as far away from the White House as possible.

Despite President Biden brushing off the allegations, Donalds and his Republican colleagues are not backing down. They believe a special counsel investigation is necessary and are demanding one be conducted. To Donalds, it’s time for a zealous prosecution of the Bidens, just like what was done to President Trump.

Source= Trending Politics Conservative News and Commentary

Written by Staff Reports

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