
Explosive Subpoenas Plunge Deeper into FBI’s Hunter Biden Tip-Off Mystery!

In a stunning move, Chairman James Comer (R-KY) of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has issued subpoenas to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Secret Service. This comes as part of an ongoing investigation into allegations of obstruction by DHS employees in the Hunter Biden criminal investigation. It seems like they were doing their best to keep Congress in the dark about Hunter Biden’s misconduct.

Comer’s subpoenas demand that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas hand over all documents and communications related to the Biden transition team’s knowledge of a planned interview with Hunter Biden in December 2020. They’re also demanding any records related to Congress’s request for information and the depositions of DHS and Secret Service employees involved in the case.

According to this investigation, it appears that the Department of Justice initiated a cover-up of the Biden family’s activities, and now DHS, under the leadership of Secretary Mayorkas, is involved as well. It’s clear that there’s been misconduct and politicization during this whole investigation. The American people deserve transparency, not obstruction, and it’s about time someone held the Biden administration accountable for their corruption and criminal activity.

In July, an officer from the FBI’s Wilmington office confirmed that the Secret Service and the Biden transition team were tipped off the night before the planned interview with Hunter Biden. This interview was part of a larger criminal investigation into his actions. Federal agents were specifically instructed not to approach Hunter Biden and were told to wait for his call instead. It’s highly irregular for investigators to have to wait for the subject of their investigation to contact them.

This whole situation has been a cover-up from the start. The DOJ and now DHS have been doing their best to protect the Bidens and prevent a fair investigation from taking place. We can’t let this two-tiered system of justice continue. Chairman Comer and other committee members are working tirelessly to get to the bottom of this and bring transparency, accountability, and justice to the American people.

With the 2024 election on the horizon, you can expect this committee to increase its efforts and continue to hold the Biden administration’s feet to the fire. It’s time for the truth to come out, and for the American people to see just how corrupt this administration really is.

Written by Staff Reports

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