
Explosive Tell-All Book Validates ‘Sleepy Joe’ Moniker for Biden!

In a shocking new book called The Last Politician, author Franklin Foer reveals that President Joe Biden is living up to his nickname of “Sleepy Joe” due to concerns about his age and mental decline. The book shares stories of Biden admitting to feeling tired and struggling to make it through important meetings. Foer writes that it is “striking” how few morning meetings or public events Biden participates in before 10 a.m. He attributes this to Biden’s advanced age, which hinders his ability to exert a strong public presence or remember people’s names easily. As the oldest president in U.S. history, Biden’s age is a significant concern.

The book describes Biden’s public persona as reflective of physical decline and a dulling of his mental faculties. No pill or exercise regime can resist the effects of time. These revelations about Biden raise serious questions about his ability to effectively serve as president. If he were to secure another four years in office, he would be nearly 86 years old by the end of his second term. This is a concerning prospect, considering his already apparent challenges.

Despite these concerns, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismisses them as “ridiculous assumptions.” However, Biden’s actions seem to speak louder than words. There have been instances where he appeared to fall asleep during an event and forgot that a deceased representative was actually deceased. Additionally, he has experienced multiple falls in public, including one on the stairs of Air Force One and another on stage. These incidents only add to the worries about his health and ability to lead.

An Associated Press poll reveals that a significant majority of voters, including 69 percent of Democrats, have concerns about Biden’s age and his ability to efficiently serve in office. These concerns are valid and should not be dismissed. It is crucial for voters and the American people to carefully consider the implications of having an aging and potentially mentally declining president. The future of our nation and its leadership is at stake.

Written by Staff Reports

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