
EXPLOSIVE: Tucker’s Game-Changing Interview with Devon Archer Revealed!

In a recent explosive interview with Tucker Carlson, Devon Archer, the former business partner of Hunter Biden, spilled the beans on their shady business practices and implicated then-Vice President Joe Biden. Archer revealed that Hunter Biden’s main contribution to their business was his extensive network in Washington, D.C., and his association with the prestigious Biden brand. It’s clear that Hunter leveraged his connections and his last name to attract clients and gain influence.

Archer clarified that Hunter Biden was not involved in any legal work at Burisma, but rather relied on his network and the Biden brand to bring in business. The interview shed light on the complex nature of their operations, which involved providing government insight, raising capital, and navigating regulatory issues. Essentially, they were selling access and using their connections to further their business interests.

One of the most shocking revelations from the interview was Archer’s claim that Joe Biden was involved in their business calls. Archer estimated that over the course of their partnership, Biden was on approximately 20 calls. This directly contradicts the President’s previous statements denying any involvement in his son’s business dealings. It’s clear that Biden abused his power by leveraging his position for personal gain.

Archer even shared a heartfelt letter from Joe Biden, thanking him and Hunter for their partnership. Tucker Carlson found the letter to be unusual, and Archer admitted that it was a bit strange. However, he believed that Biden was excited about the prospects of their business venture and saw the potential for Hunter’s success.

Overall, this interview provides unprecedented insight into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and the involvement of Joe Biden. It’s clear that the Biden family’s political influence played a significant role in their business decisions, raising serious concerns about corruption and abuse of power. It’s time for Americans to question the integrity of the Biden family and hold them accountable for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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