
Exposed: Liberals Mask Real Reason for Iraq War, Biden Endangers US Power Pact!

Liberals love to spout off about why the U.S. invaded Iraq, but the truth is, they couldn’t be more wrong. The real reason has nothing to do with 9/11, Saddam Hussein, or “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Nope, it’s all about protecting a deal that the U.S. made nearly 50 years ago. A deal that keeps America as the world’s #1 economic and military superpower, and ensures that pesky foreign governments don’t get too big for their britches. Every president, be they Republican or Democrat, has stood by this deal for decades, even if it meant going to war and sacrificing lives.

But now, thanks to the bumbling moves of Joe Biden, this sacred pact is in jeopardy. If it falls apart, we’re in for a world of hurt. The U.S. dollar won’t be the world’s top dog anymore, stocks will crash, and your savings could vanish into thin air. Experts are ringing the alarm bells, warning of hyperinflation and the complete implosion of the American economic system. Even Robert Kiyosaki, the guy who wrote “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” says the dollar is on its deathbed.

Monica Crowley, a former Trump official, is shouting from the rooftops that if this deal goes south, we’ll lose our economic dominance and our superpower status. The threats to America’s wealth and security have never been greater. But fear not, there’s hope. You can take steps right now to protect yourself and your family from the impending collapse. In fact, you could even come out ahead as Biden continues his boneheaded policies. Click here to watch a presentation that will show you exactly how to safeguard your future. Don’t wait, your wealth and security are at stake!

Written by Staff Reports

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