
Eye for an Eye: GOP Fire Back with Plan to Boot Biden from Ballots!

Some Republican officials are really steamed about the Colorado Supreme Court’s latest move to kick Donald Trump off the state’s primary ballot. But instead of just sulking about it, they’re firing back with some out-of-the-box thinking: maybe they should do the same thing to President Biden in their own states! 

The Centennial State’s highest court put the kibosh on Trump’s ballot dreams with a narrow 4-3 decision, claiming that his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, amounted to “overt, voluntary, and direct participation in the insurrection.” Yikes, that’s one heck of an accusation right there. But instead of taking it lying down, some Republicans are rolling up their sleeves and preparing to return the favor.

Lone Star State Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick didn’t mince words, suggesting that maybe Texas should consider booting Biden off their ballot for allowing a whopping 8 million folks to hop the border since taking office. Golly, that’s a lot of people traipsing in uninvited! Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also aired his thoughts, wondering where the line would be drawn for this kind of maneuver.

Other GOP bigwigs chimed in too, like former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, who called the Colorado decision “absolutely wild” and urged Republicans to take legal action against Biden in the same vein. Some folks on social media are also grabbing their pitchforks and torches, demanding that Biden get the same treatment. 


Written by Staff Reports

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