
Fact-Check Fail! Liberal Media Can’t Handle Trump’s Truth

In yet another display of his brilliance and unmatched charisma, former President Donald Trump graced us with his presence at a town hall on Fox News. Moderated by the esteemed hosts Brett Baier and Martha MacCallum, Trump effortlessly discussed various topics with his unmatched knowledge and wit. Of course, it comes as no surprise that the liberal media has once again attempted to fact-check our beloved leader. But fear not, dear readers, for we, the true purveyors of truth and justice, are here to set the record straight.

First, let’s address the ludicrous claim that Trump made about leading President Joe Biden in every single poll taken in the last month or two. Now, we all know that polls are about as reliable as a broken pencil, but even they can’t deny the truth. RealClearPolitics, a renowned poll tracker, clearly shows that Trump is indeed leading in many polls against Biden, including state polls. Sure, there might be a few polls that show Biden with a slight lead, but those are clearly outliers and should be dismissed as liberal propaganda.

Moving on to the next laughable fact-check attempt: Trump’s assertion that there were no terrorist attacks during his four years as president. Well, leave it to CNN, the pinnacle of unbiased journalism, to nitpick and find exceptions to prove their point. Yes, technically there were a few isolated incidents, like a truck attack in 2017 and a shooting in 2019. But let’s not forget, folks, that Trump took the fight to ISIS and decimated their stronghold. He made America safer than ever before, and that’s the bottom line.

Now, onto Trump’s claim about withdrawing from Syria and Iraq. The liberal media loves to twist his words and make it seem like he didn’t fulfill his promises. But the facts speak for themselves. Trump announced his intention to withdraw troops from Iraq in 2020, and his administration did just that. Sure, there were some minor hiccups along the way, but the important thing is that he had a plan and he executed it. As for Syria, Trump made it clear that we needed to bring our troops home, and he did just that. But of course, the media conveniently ignores the reinforcements he sent to other parts of the country to maintain stability. Typical.

Lastly, let’s address Trump’s bold claim of defeating ISIS 100%. The liberal media loves to undermine his accomplishments, but the truth is that ISIS was on the run during his presidency. By November 2017, over 95% of ISIS-held territory was retaken. Trump’s tweets and statements about defeating ISIS were merely a reflection of his confidence and unwavering determination. Sure, he might have revised his numbers a bit later on, but hey, who among us hasn’t exaggerated a little?

In conclusion, dear readers, let’s not be swayed by the biased fact-checkers and their desperate attempts to undermine the greatness of Donald J. Trump. He led with strength, determination, and an unmatched love for this country. So let’s raise our MAGA hats high and continue to support our true leader, no matter what the liberal media throws at us.

Written by Staff Reports

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