
Fact-Check Slams Dem Senator for Bumbling Iconic US Quote!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands… Wait, what? Apparently, that’s not the kind of language some Democrats want to hear. They cringe at the mention of the word “republic” because it reminds them that our great nation is not governed solely by majority rule. No, no, it is the Constitution, with all its checks and balances, that reigns supreme. But apparently, New Hampshire Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen didn’t get the memo.

In a recent tweet, Shaheen attempted to quote Benjamin Franklin, but instead, she butchered it like a Thanksgiving turkey. She wrote, “Three years ago, insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to overturn the legitimate 2020 election results. They assaulted and injured police officers. They threatened the lives of elected officials. They put our democracy in jeopardy. ‘A democracy, if you can keep it,’ said Ben Franklin.” Wow, talk about a facepalm moment.

Of course, anyone with a basic knowledge of history knows that Franklin didn’t say “A democracy if you can keep it.” The actual quote goes, “A republic, if you can keep it.” I guess Senator Shaheen missed that history lesson, along with a few others. But social media users were quick to point out her mistake, with one person saying, “That’s not Franklin’s quote, and you know it… We are not a ‘Democracy’ by the design of our Founders who knew that democracy leads to mob rule on any given day and fails. We are a Constitutional Republic. Franklin’s famous quote is: A Republic if you can keep it. Quit misleading people.”

Ouch, Senator Shaheen, that’s gotta hurt. But it seems that mocking isn’t reserved solely for her constituents. Tom Elliott, founder of conservative media aggregator Grabien, had this to say about her gaffe, “You should be deported for being this stupid.” Now that’s a burn.

But let’s not forget the lesson here; it’s not just about Shaheen’s blunder. It’s about the fact that America is a republic, plain and simple. From the separation of powers to the appointment of judges, our Founding Fathers designed a system that would protect our liberties and ensure that no single group or individual could hold too much power. And despite the best efforts of the Democratic Party, the American people haven’t forgotten that. So, sorry Senator Shaheen, but our republic isn’t going anywhere. We intend to keep it, even if you get the quotes wrong.

Written by Staff Reports

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