
Facts Shatter Left’s Dangerous ‘Nonviolent Crime’ Myth!

You know, it’s always fascinating to hear people on the Right and Left, and especially those libertarians, talk about violent crime versus nonviolent crime. They act like there’s such a big difference between the two, but City Journal’s Rafael A. Mangual begs to differ. According to him, the distinction between violent and nonviolent crime isn’t as clear-cut as we think.

Let’s think about it for a moment. When someone commits a so-called low-level offense, like stealing beer from a store, and a store clerk tries to stop them, what happens? Well, tragically, in San Francisco, a store clerk named Yowhannes “John” Tewelde was beaten to death with a baseball bat when he tried to intervene. And that’s just one example of how supposedly nonviolent crimes can turn deadly. It’s astounding that some people want to go easy on these criminals.

You see, these offenders might be labeled as “nonviolent,” but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a threat. They might engage in seemingly minor offenses like retail theft or open-air drug use, but behind these acts lurks a potential for violence. If we let them off the hook for these crimes, they’ll continue to roam the streets, putting innocent people at risk. It’s not just about a few cheap beers; it’s about the safety of our communities.

It’s no surprise that these criminals possess three common traits: they’re greedy, mean, and stupid. And lately, it seems like the mean side of them is taking over. They’re willing to hurt others over small amounts of money or merchandise. While there are nonviolent crimes like kiting bad checks or counterfeiting, these street punks and retail robbers have no qualms about resorting to violence.

The problem lies with the prosecutors and legislators who turn a blind eye to these “nonviolent” crimes. They’ve essentially stopped prosecuting these offenders and have even reduced the penalties for their actions. It’s baffling that these policies continue in our major cities, but when you realize that these prosecutors and legislators are mostly Democrats, it makes you wonder. Are they somehow benefiting from having criminals run rampant? It’s a troubling thought, indeed.

Until there’s a change in leadership within our justice departments in these cities, the law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer. It’s time for some real solutions and policies that actually work to keep our communities safe. Let’s hope we see some progress soon.

Written by Staff Reports

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