
Fake News Alert: No $5M Bribe in Trump Trial CLAIM Debunked!

Contrary to a viral Instagram video, attorney Alina Habba did not make any claims about Judge Lewis Kaplan taking a $5,000,000 bribe to convict former President Donald Trump in his recent defamation trial. Let’s break this down, folks.

First off, this Instagram video is spreading false information, plain and simple. There is absolutely no evidence to support the claim that Habba made such a statement. If you can’t back up your claims with facts, then you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. Come on, people, let’s use some critical thinking here.

And wait a minute, who even made this claim in the first place? Well, it turns out that it’s just some Instagram video with no sound and no credible source to support its wild allegations. Really? That’s your evidence? It’s like the Internet equivalent of a kid pointing fingers and saying, “They did it!” without any proof.

But let’s not stop there, folks. Let’s fact check this claim even further. According to the reputable Associated Press, it was a JURY, not Judge Kaplan, who found Trump guilty in the civil defamation trial. The jury didn’t pull that verdict out of thin air, they carefully considered the evidence and made a judgement based on the law. That’s how our justice system works, folks, and it’s called due process.

Now, just to be clear, Alina Habba may be known for representing Trump in the recent defamation case, but she never accused Judge Kaplan of taking a bribe. In fact, if you do a quick search on her law firm’s website or her verified social media account, you won’t find any mention of this claim. It’s just pure fiction, folks.

So, let’s recap. The Instagram video claiming that Alina Habba said Judge Kaplan took a $5,000,000 bribe to convict Trump? It’s false, it’s baseless, and it’s nothing more than a feeble attempt to undermine the integrity of our judicial system. We need to be smarter than this, folks. Let’s stick to the facts and leave the conspiracy theories at the door. Stay tuned for more hard-hitting conservative news, right here.

Written by Staff Reports

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