
Fauci Cornered: Ready to Squirm in GOP-Led Grilling Session

In a stunning turn of events, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infamous face of the COVID-19 pandemic response, has finally agreed to testify in front of the Republican-led House after years of dodging accountability for his disastrous advice. The 82-year-old former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will face two days of grilling behind closed doors on January 8 and 9, 2024. It’s about time he faces the music.

This cautious move comes as no surprise to those who have been demanding answers from the man who once held exorbitant power as the main adviser to the White House on the virus from 2020 to 2022. The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, known for holding the line against liberal propaganda, will not go easy on Dr. Fauci. They will demand answers and accountability for the reckless and flip-flopping recommendations that have put American lives and livelihoods at risk.

Furthermore, Dr. Fauci has also agreed to testify in a public hearing at a later date in 2024, giving the American people a chance to witness firsthand his squirming under the scrutiny of transparency and truth. His days of hiding behind closed doors are finally numbered, and the public can finally see him squirm under the spotlight of accountability.

It’s a welcome change of pace to see Dr. Fauci squirming in the hot seat after years of avoiding tough questions and evading responsibility for his role in the disastrous COVID-19 response. It’s high time that the American people and their representatives get the answers they deserve from this slippery, elitist bureaucrat.

Written by Staff Reports

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