
Fauci’s ‘Science’ Burst: Now Garland Claims ‘I am the Law’, Cruz Raises Alarm

In a recent appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Merrick Garland proved once again that he has little interest in providing straightforward answers. Just like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Garland seems to believe that he is above questioning and can do whatever he pleases. Sen. Ted Cruz pointed out the similarities between the two when he referred to Fauci’s arrogant claim of “I am the science” and Garland’s own catchphrase of “I am the law.” According to Cruz, both Fauci and Garland are wrong in thinking that they are above scrutiny.

Cruz expressed his dismay at Garland’s refusal to give candid answers to basic questions during the committee hearing. It’s no surprise to Cruz, as Garland has consistently shown contempt for Congress and the American people since the day he took office. He believes he can evade any questions and that no one has the right to hold him accountable. Cruz even went so far as to say that evidence is mounting of Garland’s involvement in multiple felonies, yet Garland remains unfazed and continues to act as if he is untouchable.

Garland’s “attitude” towards questioning reminded Cruz of Fauci’s infamous “I am the science” remarks. Both men seem to believe that they are above reproach and can do as they please. But as Cruz pointed out, they are both wrong. Fauci and Garland may believe they are above the law and science, respectively, but the truth is that they are just individuals who should be held accountable for their actions.

The frustration and anger that many Americans feel towards Garland was evident in the passionate remarks made by Rep. Victoria Spartz. She reminded Garland that in the United States, people fear their government, just like they did in the Soviet Union. Co-host Ben Ferguson shared his belief that many Americans share Spartz’s frustration and anger towards Garland’s actions. Cruz also highlighted the importance of Spartz’s words, given her experience growing up in the Soviet Union. He noted that Garland’s lack of response paralleled the tactics of the KGB, although thankfully, the United States is in a slightly better position. However, the fundamental points made by Spartz remain the same.

Garland’s evasive behavior during the committee hearing is not an isolated incident. The FBI’s targeting of traditional Catholics and parents at school board meetings also raises serious concerns about Garland’s leadership. It’s clear that Garland is more interested in protecting his own power than in upholding the law and serving the American people.

In conclusion, Garland’s refusal to provide straightforward answers and his belief that he is above questioning are reminiscent of Fauci’s arrogant claims of being “the science.” Both individuals are wrong in their thinking, and it’s essential for them to be held accountable for their actions. The frustration and anger expressed by Rep. Spartz and many Americans are valid and justified. It’s time for Garland and those like him to remember that they are public servants, not untouchable rulers.

Written by Staff Reports

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