
Fauci’s Shocking Admission Unmasks Truth About COVID Guidelines

In a shocking revelation that has left many Americans questioning their trust in government officials, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that there was no scientific basis behind the six feet social distancing recommendation for COVID-19 prevention. This revelation came to light after two days of closed-door interviews with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and it was revealed in a news release posted on the House Oversight Committee’s website.

According to the release, Fauci stated that the guidance to maintain a distance of six feet from others “sort of just appeared” and was likely not based on any data. This admission has led GOP Rep. Brad Wenstrup, the chairman of the panel, to express concerns that the policies and mandates promoted by Fauci could result in long-term vaccine hesitancy among the American public.

Furthermore, Wenstrup highlighted Fauci’s acknowledgment that the lab leak hypothesis, which suggests that the coronavirus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, was not a conspiracy theory. This contradicts Fauci’s initial claim that the virus emerged from natural sources. The release also pointed out that Fauci played “semantics with the definition of a ‘lab-leak,'” while denying allegations of pressuring the CIA on this theory.

Wenstrup expressed his concerns regarding the failures and procedural flaws within the public health system, as revealed during Fauci’s interview. He emphasized the suppression of dissenting opinions and the lack of consideration they received. Additionally, Wenstrup criticized Fauci for his lack of recall on important details regarding the COVID-19 origins and policies.

During the second day of testimony, Fauci advised colleges to impose vaccine mandates on their students. This recommendation comes amidst growing concerns about vaccine hesitancy and the need to protect public health.

The release also quoted Wenstrup’s remarks from the first day of testimony, where he criticized Fauci for signing off on research grants without reviewing the proposals. Fauci admitted to being unaware of the oversight conducted by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which he once directed.

Fauci’s repeated denials of the National Institutes of Health funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan were also highlighted in the release. Fauci allegedly attempted to avoid conceding that potentially dangerous research in China had indeed been funded by the NIH.

Republican Rep. Michael Cloud echoed concerns about Fauci’s accountability, noting his ability to conveniently forget or evade responsibility for the influence he had during the pandemic. Cloud emphasized the importance of federal government guidance for school districts and warned of potential lawsuits if schools deviated from that guidance.

Fauci’s alleged assertion that there was no significant learning loss during the pandemic was heavily criticized. Cloud argued that parents would strongly disagree, as they witnessed the negative impact on their children’s education and development.


Written by Staff Reports

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