
FBI Breaks Privacy Act in Anti-Trump Plot: Shocking Details Inside

A new report from the nonprofit advocacy group America First Legal (AFL) shows that the FBI's background checks on President Trump's nominees were biased and unfairly helped people who were against him politically. During the background check, the FBI broke a number of laws, such as the Privacy Act and the Paperwork Reduction Act, according to the report.

During the Trump administration, the FBI sent background information on possible candidates straight to the Senate, without taking out unproven claims or figuring out how important the information was. The White House then gave this information, without any changes, to the right Senate committees. The AFL study uses the confirmation process for Justice Brett Kavanaugh as an example of how the FBI's flawed background check system was used to smear nominees. Even though there was no proof of wrongdoing, Senate Democrats criticized the FBI's extra investigation into Kavanaugh's alleged inappropriate behavior.

The report says that the fact that both the White House and the Senate are part in the background check process shows a lot of bias. Some of Trump's choices, like Representative Darrell Issa and Judge Sul Ozerden, were not approved because of problems with the FBI's background checks.

The AFL study also talks about worries about how the Biden administration is putting politics into government departments. It says that the Office of Legal Policy (OLP) at the Department of Justice has gotten rid of rules that were put in place to protect people who were going through a background check. The White House has told the FBI to look into possible candidates without getting their written permission from the Biden government. Also, the White House and the FBI can now share information about background checks outside of the Executive Branch without giving any warning.

The AFL study raises concerns about the deep state interfering with the constitutional nominations process and calls for reforms to stop games being played behind the scenes. It also shows how important it is to give the President back his right to get advice and approval from the Senate on choices. The Epoch Times has asked the FBI what they think about the story.

Lawmakers are worried that government departments, like the FBI, are becoming too political, and these news stories come at the same time. In his report on the FBI's investigation of Trump's 2016 campaign, Special Counsel John Durham found that the agency did not handle the case well. It also showed that some FBI employees who were working on the case didn't like Trump. This report has also led to calls for new safeguards to stop the FBI from abusing its power in the future and to recover public trust in law enforcement agencies.

In response to these worries, the head of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, recently sent subpoenas to six members of the Biden administration over allegations of wrongdoing and political influence during the DOJ's criminal probe of Hunter Biden. Both the AFL report and the Durham report talk about the need for reforms and openness in government departments to make sure that investigations are fair and unbiased.

Written by Staff Reports

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