
FBI Loses Count of Capitol Informants: Ultimate Bureaucratic Blunder?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the masters of stealth and clandestine operations, apparently had so many informants and undercover operatives in the crowd during the January 6 Capitol protests that they lost count. Yes, you heard that right, folks! The FBI misplaced their informants, like when you can’t find your keys because you left them in the fridge. It’s as if the FBI was playing a game of “Where’s Waldo?” but with informants. Talk about a lack of organization and control!

According to Steven D’Antuono, the former head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, the Washington Field Office knew in advance that they were going to have some of their snitches lurking about during the rally. But here’s where it gets interesting – D’Antuono had no clue about the informants from other FBI field offices across the country. It’s almost as if the FBI was playing some sort of secret agent exchange program without telling anyone. How can the left hand not know what the right hand is doing? It’s classic bureaucratic bumbling.

In their desperate attempt to figure out just how many informants they had infiltrating the crowd, the FBI had to resort to polling their agents. Can you imagine being an FBI agent and getting a text message asking, “Hey, were you at the Capitol on January 6?” That’s like a teacher asking students to raise their hands if they were the ones who drew on the walls. It’s embarrassing, really. If the FBI can’t even keep track of their own informants, should we really trust them with anything else?

But wait, it gets even better. One informant from the Kansas City field office was actually in communication with his FBI handler while the crowd was storming the Capitol. Can you believe it? They had an undercover agent literally watching the chaos unfold and doing nothing about it. It’s like having a firefighter stand next to a burning building and saying, “Nah, I’ll just watch it burn.”

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – the exorbitant amount of money the FBI spends on these informants. A whopping 42 million dollars a year goes toward paying these so-called “Confidential Human Sources.” That’s a whole lot of taxpayer money, my friends. And what do we get in return? A bunch of informants who can’t even keep themselves in check, let alone provide reliable information. It’s another prime example of wasteful government spending.

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan hit the nail on the head when he expressed his concern over the FBI’s lack of control and accountability. Jordan rightfully pointed out that the FBI’s use of informants has resulted in fabricated evidence and the misrepresentation of information. But hey, who needs a reliable justice system when you have informants who can make things up as they go along, right?

And of course, FBI Director Christopher Wray has been denying Congress’s requests for a full accounting of the bureau’s presence on January 6. Because, you know, transparency is overrated. Why should the American people know the truth about what happened that day? It’s much more fun to keep them in the dark and let their imaginations run wild.

In the end, it’s clear that the FBI needs a serious reality check. If they can’t even keep track of their own informants, how can we trust them to protect our nation? It’s time for some serious housecleaning at the FBI, starting from the top down. We deserve better than this circus act, folks. It’s time to demand accountability and real transparency.

Written by Staff Reports

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