
FBI Scrutiny on Federal Workers Raises Fears of New McCarthyism

In recent times, the FBI has been scrutinizing federal workers and their fitness for security clearances. A story from Just The News by John Solomon highlighted this issue, raising questions about the New McCarthyism. This FBI scrutiny has entailed inquiries about an individual’s support for former President Trump, their stance on COVID and the Second Amendment, and their participation in certain events, including the January 6 demonstration.

According to the witness statements mentioned in the story, individuals with existing security clearances were asked about the actions and beliefs of the person under investigation. These inquiries were based on allegations that questioned the individual’s ability to maintain a Top Secret Security clearance. The witness queries focused on the individual’s vocal support for Trump, objections to COVID vaccinations and masking, and their intent to attend the January 6 demonstration and a rally regarding gun rights.

Following the witness reports, the individual’s security clearance was revoked. The witness statements depicted the individual as a strong Trump supporter with Republican values, opposed to COVID measures, and active in Second Amendment issues. While there were mentions of the individual holding ‘militant points of view,’ none of the witnesses suggested that the individual would engage in violence.

The direction of the FBI’s questioning and the subsequent revocation of the security clearance reveal a concerning application of a specific litmus test regarding beliefs and constitutionally protected actions by a federal employee. The article also draws parallels to the McCarthy Era, quoting the famous question, “Have you no sense of decency?” This example serves as a criticism of the agency’s approach to evaluating security clearances.

The article concludes with a message from the Deputy Managing Editor, expressing the significance of the 2024 election and the vital role of support from readers in fighting against external challenges. This appeal urges readers to consider joining as members to support the fight for American values.

In conclusion, the article raises concerns about the FBI’s approach to evaluating security clearances and emphasizes the importance of securing American values in the upcoming 2024 election.

Written by Staff Reports

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